
Blink Camera Not Recording Motion: Troubleshooting Guide

Are you having trouble with your Blink camera not recording motion? It can be frustrating to rely on a security camera that doesn’t pick up activity when you need it most. In this article, we’ll go over some common reasons why your Blink camera may not be recording motion and what you can do to fix it.

Blink Camera Not Recording Motion

Check Your Camera Placement

Blink Camera Not Recording Motion

The placement of your Blink camera can affect its ability to detect motion. Make sure that your camera is positioned in a spot where it has a clear line of sight to the area you want to monitor. Avoid positioning your camera near reflective surfaces or sources of heat that may trigger false alarms.

Adjust Your Motion Detection Settings

Blink Camera Not Recording Motion

If your Blink camera is not recording motion, it may be because your motion detection settings are too low or too high. You can adjust your motion detection settings by navigating to the camera settings in your Blink app. Try increasing the sensitivity of your motion detection and adjusting the motion detection zones to ensure that your camera is picking up the activity you want it to.

Check Your Wi-Fi Connection

Blink Camera Not Recording Motion

If your Blink camera is not recording motion, it may be because it has lost its connection to your Wi-Fi network. Check to make sure that your camera is connected to the internet and that your Wi-Fi signal is strong enough to support your camera’s video streaming. You may need to move your router closer to your camera or invest in a Wi-Fi extender to improve your signal.

Update Your Camera Firmware

Blink Camera Not Recording Motion

Outdated firmware can cause your Blink camera to malfunction or not record motion properly. Make sure that your camera is running on the latest firmware by checking for updates in the Blink app. If an update is available, download and install it to see if it resolves your motion detection issues.

Replace Your Batteries

Blink Camera Not Recording Motion

If your Blink camera is running low on battery power, it may not be able to properly record motion. Check the battery level of your camera in the Blink app and replace the batteries if necessary. Make sure that you are using high-quality batteries that are compatible with your camera to ensure optimal performance.

Contact Blink Support

If you have tried all of the troubleshooting steps above and your Blink camera is still not recording motion, it may be time to contact Blink support for further assistance. You can reach out to Blink support through the app or on their website to get help resolving your issue.


There are several reasons why your Blink camera may not be recording motion, but with some troubleshooting, you can often resolve the issue. Check your camera placement, adjust your motion detection settings, ensure that your Wi-Fi connection is strong, update your camera firmware, replace your batteries, and contact support if necessary. By taking these steps, you can ensure that your Blink camera is functioning properly and providing you with the security you need.

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